Tag Archives: calm

New Project? Ideas?

29 Oct

So, I go to a charter school and all of it is about project-based learning. At the moment I just finished a big project (which is on blogging ;o) But now I don’t know what to do. I’m working on Novelvember and a Companion Cube-shaped cake for my friend but that’s only a small portion of the credits I need. Right now I need to think of something in the Science/Health and Physical Education.

I can put Science into the cake but I’m not sure about Health or Physical Education ^^; I can also get a membership with YMCA and create a workout plan and do that for Physical Education but I really really really don’t want to  

oh, can anybody give me ideas? I can have several projects going at once and my GPA is deathly low ;3;


A Time For Silence

8 Oct

I think the doctor knows what’s going on

But does that mean every medieval healer could heal?

The night leaves me empty

No gifts to bear 

As it swiftly rushes over my aching, overly aware body

Let’s take a moment to say goodbye

To every childhood and every good life

Julie takes her trash out and her boyfriend follows

She’s safe and sound

No bruises to be found

She pictures a daughter that she had to let go

She pictures her son who’s ending is slow

Though in the darkness she feels she cannot see

She knows there are other options

The ideas and life she can only have in her dreams

The kind of thing that will calm all her screams

So if I had a connection to my dear Julie

I would support her and she can put her burden on me

My shoulders are heavy for a child like me

But I lost my innocence at a young age so I can handle it

I picture the friends I had

I picture the poetry than sits on a line

Waiting patiently to be sung by a hoarse voice

Though in the darkness I feel I cannot see

I know there are other options

The ideas and life I can only have in my dreams

The kind of thing that will calm all my screams



2 Oct

I seem to be married to the clock

which is strange because I never have enough time

to get my life back together

it’s…never enough

slipping fingers in between the cracks on the wall

as I walk

it seems that I’m always walking, always moving 

but getting nowhere near happiness

how come a woman knows to search all through-out the mall for a tiny black dress

but no matter where she looks

she can never find happiness

what should she do?

should she let somebody else bring it to her 

or share theirs

or should she wait all of her life for something that will never come

well I’ve decided, to wait in the emptiness of calm

the coolness of a loss

I shall….wait

Falling, Serene

25 Sep

I’m so excited for the following seasons. I love fall, but Winter is my favorite season….

I believe next week fall will show it’s peak colors and I’m heading to Door County to take some pictures and add to my portfolio. *fangirl squee* I’m very happy right now because I had an hour of absolute silence, outside and inside of me, and it was amazing. I didn’t think about anything, nor did I feel. Everything was warm and bathed in sunlight.

*proceeds to fangirl for the next few minutes*

Well, the weather is lovely, my teeth hurt (just tightened my braces) and my wallet it completely empty.

I am so ready to visit Door County ❤

